Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Monday, May 4, 2009

No title

sekarang dimulai era baru, dimana ada harapan-harapan baru yang muncul disetiap benak manusia. apa yang mereka rasakan sekarang dan apa yang diharapkan mereka sekarang adalah buah dari perjalanan silam yang cukup kelam bahkan mungkin kelam. harapan itu selalu ada.

lalu ada sebuah pertanyaan besar. jikalau suatu saat ada hal baik dalam kehidupan mereka dan itu berlangsung cukup lama. lalu kapan berakhirnya dunia ini. it's so weird.

untuk kebaikan dan kebahagian yang sempurna didunia pada era saat ini kapankah akan mungkin terjadi? dimana kebahagiaan merata disemua lini kehidupan.

karena sepanjang sejarah manusia telah banyak menumpahkan darah untuk keegoan mereka. atau untuk kebodohan yang yakini sebagai suatu kebenaran.

seolah-olah kebaikan sudah tak memiliki nyali untuk mendobrak suatu rezim.atau sudah kehilangan daya tariknya. he..hee..

andaikata yang kuat melindungi yang lemah dan yang lemah tidak berharap banyak dari yang kuat. mungkin senjata dan amunisi, benteng dan pasukannya tidak akan kita perlukan lagi.

why this short live must shown like this?
is it can't be change?
if it still going like this it mean all the way is rubish?
and be thank for the goodness to stand their feet because you won't regret it, promise

Monday, September 22, 2008


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We always hear the music, even when we are out of the crowded or busy town. When you stay silent in the deep jungle you still can hear the music of the forest, so music and colorfull.


I want to talk little bout music from psychology side. When you are sad you will like to hear the sad music or lyrics, when you are fall in love you will like to hear all the music or lyrics of love, when you mad, angry, lonely you will hear the hard music or lyric. And all music that you love will give you strength to face the hard days. And the music contents either given the deep impact to the fans. So music could be use as vehicle to influence some body or people to have the same mind with the group of band (singer).


Someone will heard the music like what they're feeling of and what their moods, because the music will represent that. And frequently they are voice it or sing it and always listen again and again. So the music as if the sound of someone heart's which it's same.


From a hundred centuries ago music had given the place as the human heart voices.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Concern about The Quality of Bachelors

Friday, 19 Sept 2009

I found a news from my friend from his job place. He told me this story.
He is chieffed by branch manager that he's looks like not do his persuasif job in order to rising the omzet or the companies income. He's looks not really concern bout this. Honestly he was graduated from the bachelor degree from reputable university. ( I don't mind to to disturbed the policy of the university), but not really came from the favorite department. I Know. But his ability or skills or wishing was not good enough to make the company grow big. So why the omzet or the company income not really high. And he always worry bout this.

My wonder is, are all people that graduated from university will gonna be like that ?
I don't know if they are come from or graduated from diploma degree. Because in diploma they will give the skills bigger than theories.

So my wishing just every university make the curriculum that will be oriented for the job fields and really concern about the activity after they are graduate. I mean their living lasting.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

After Graduated From High School

Tuesday, September 16th 2008

I already leave my school in 2001, I have dreams and plan when I were graduate from my school but unfortunately it failed and I did't know. But my dreams till now never die, still in my mind. And I'm very keep it tight. In those time I knew those conditions was not easy time. I kept on move, stumbled, fall, and than woke up again, again and again. Because I knew it wouldn't be stop till end of my time. Sometimes I were fright with my life, and always pray to my God : "if I can fix my problem please take me away from this world. Because You send me here, and I face this problem because of You, so all of the matters You must help me or took me away. These was I always read when I face the hard problem. And it given me a good results. Thank God.

From that story, perhaps that is not just my story but many boys story. The question is what you gotta do after graduated ?. Work or take Bachelor degree. Just two options. And I think your parents must support you or they give you suggest and funds ofcoursely to you to get your future. And you must know where want you go, what will you want to be?, and what vehicle that you can use in order you get your future.

"Talent" that is one key you must have. Where it is come from? it's actually have inner yourself but you must make it appear from continues practice. Need love to make it grew well. And there is no word "stop" to make practice more be better everyday. You must know about you talent, because it very help you to get your future. And don't forget: " be patience".

There is two choice when you want to face the job world. That is You want to make your own business or you join with someone business. Just take one example, you want to join with a company, it mean you must have ability in order to you can competed with the other. With qualification are: good education, skills-ability, and healthy surely. Education mean: the company will find the candidate that graduated from reputable school or university and what the major you are? must be fit in with the company needed. Skill-ability mean : are you can master in the part of the company offering for you. If both of that the answer are "yes". It will give you the big chance to join with the company. As better as you have as better as you get.

When you choose study first so make mind like this: usually the company is required the major of school that ordinary touch with the company operation system. Computer literature become something must, as much as or as well as you in it more better. The IT major was more demanded, Managerial major was also, and also the major study or department that touch with the instruments or equipments of the companies. And the experiences will be something that will be concern of.

When your decision fall on crate your own job. So first make a plan the kind of job that you want to make, that discuss about the fund that you have, "asking" to expert or the experience people or other sources, that's very important for always to make your job more better day by day. And don't forget for always to accept the suggestions, critics from the others that make you rich of idea.
That's all folks.